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What Season Are You In?

For everything, there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Welcome to the new Busy Christian Sports Mom blog!

It has been over 2 years since I last shared a personal blog under Destined 4 the Dub, and as time goes on, the more I realize that we must embrace change – change in our families, change in our careers, change in our path, and even change in ourselves.

I’ve experienced many changes in the last 2 years: the death of my father, my oldest daughter leaving our home for college, my youngest daughter emerging as a volleyball college prospect, starting a new ministry - Faith-Filled Moms, featuring a weekly podcast, and writing a new book called Using God’s Playbook for the Game of Life: 52 Scriptures Your Young Athlete Should Know Before Sending Them Off in the World.


With all these changes also comes the realization that I have spent the last 20 years raising and taking care of my family, and caring for others through ministry, but not doing such a great job of taking care of myself.

After a much-needed Sabbatical this summer, where I've been exploring my unique temperament, ways to experience Sacred Rest, and better time management skills, I realized there’s so much I’ve learned, and I want to start sharing the truths I’ve discovered about this thing called life. So many of us struggle with the ups and downs we face regularly, and if you're like me, you usually try to figure things out on your own first, instead of trusting God as your first option.

My biggest revelation over these last few years has been grasping the understanding that God is in complete control of my life, and He desires for me to trust Him, and invite Him to walk alongside me, and into every situation I face. We already know from Psalms 139:16 that God already knows everything about us: “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

Everything that happens to us has already been recorded! Every single day. The good, the bad, and the ugly - all of it! The One who loves you most, knows all about what you're going through right now, how you feel about it, and how it’s affecting you. He knows all about the changes you've been experiencing in your life, and how it's all going to work out for you. And today He is waiting for you to invite Him to walk alongside you on your journey.

So, what are you waiting for? Consider this as my personal invitation to you. As you walk with Him, I also invite you to walk with me on my Busy Christian Sports Mom journey. Together we will seek and find God in our everyday lives – whether it’s parenting, sports, career, health, or relationships - so we can be the best version of ourselves.

Welcome to the journey!

What changes are taking place in your life today, and how are you handling them? Have you invited God to walk with you through them?

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